Crawford Street
United Methodist Church



Crawford Street United Methodist Church joins the growing number of churches offering its members and friends technology for contributing financially to the church over the internet.

Why are we offering this giving alternative? More than 70% of U.S. consumers use some form of electronic bill paying, rather than paying by cash or paper checks. Online giving may appeal to you if you do not carry cash or checks and you routinely pay bills and make purchases over the internet. Giving to CSUMC by cash or check continues to be a perfectly fine alternative, as well. 

Donating online is easy. Fill out the form and click on the link above for Online Giving, and you will be directed to the secure Online Donation page managed for CSUMC by Vanco Services. You can also access the donation page with your smartphone.

You may transfer funds directly from your bank account or charge the donation to your credit or debit card. (CSUMC is not encouraging anyone to increase a standing credit card debt for gifts to the Church.) You may also designate your gift as a onetime donation or schedule a recurring donation. If you expect to use this option regularly, you may want to set up your own personal profile, allowing you to log in with your email address and your personal password.

Funds transfer from your account to the CSUMC checking account. You will be given a confirmation number and may print the confirmation page at the time of donation. You and the Church will also receive an email acknowledgement from Vanco. Gifts will be credited to your giving record.